
Thursday is the single largest event that kids attend and they will be out in droves. For children, the allure of the holiday has been the trick or treating—the dressing up in costumes and receiving of candy. They will be out getting candy and running to and fro without any care. Many feel Halloween or The Devil’s night is a despicable holiday celebrating the occult. Halloween is considered a satanic holiday for many confessing Satanists, and for obvious reasons, as it is a day where demons, witches and devils are glorified. For me as a Christian, Halloween is fraught with potential pitfalls and boogeymen, both real and imagined. Above all, Christians should follow their conscious and remember that you don’t have to embrace every aspect of the holiday. I really feel that local churches need to be the forefront of this battle for children’s minds. The world is an ugly place anyway with all sorts of ploys to suck the living soul of a child out and make them part of the world way early. Yes, children need to be children and in our current form of life on earth the children are being swept away with games and music. With apps that go nonstop on their smartphones, removing their minds from play as children. There are places where adults are grooming children with “story hours” that are not for children, they are for people with a warped sense of what is appropriate to teach a child. Fast food has even been a detraction that some have taken a stand against, because the owners of the food stores have taken a stance. Yet we have every bigot jumping up and down about freedom of speech, unless it is against their way of conducting themselves.

As a church body we need to speak to these issues and not just on Sunday or at a Saturday Fall Festivals. In years past where we have partispated in events that take place on the 31st it was a great time for both children and adults alike and kept our focus on Jesus rather than the kingdom of darkness. We need to again present the word of God and love thy neighbor even on the day of the dead that many celebrate October 31 of every year. On this night while others are celebrating darkness and death we need to celebrate the Prince of Life and share tracts with those who come to our doors looking for a treat. While the Bible doesn’t speak directly to our modern celebration of Halloween, it does have plenty to say about the supernatural and fear. So be careful how you live. Don’t live like fools, but like those who are wise. 16 Make the most of every opportunity in these evil days. Ephesians 5:15-16 (NLT)

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